
Who Is He That Overcomes the World, But He Who Believes Jesus is the Son of God?

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WHO is he that overcomes but he who believes Jesus the Son God True Christian Press

Description: The Christian faith stands as an eternal testament to divine love manifested through supreme sacrifice.  Upon Golgotha’s height, the Son of God bore the weight of human transgression, His body lifted up between heaven and earth as the final bridge between God and man.  There, in that moment of apparent defeat, the greatest victory in all creation was won - death itself was overcome through perfect obedience and unfathomable love.

Through His wounds flows healing for all nations.  In His death breathes life eternal. The cross stands forever as the meeting point of justice and mercy, where God’s righteous judgment against sin confronted His overwhelming love for His creation. There the Son remained obedient unto death, choosing to drain the cup of divine wrath that mankind might drink instead from the waters of life.

This supreme sacrifice fulfilled every prophecy, from the Passover lamb to Isaiah’s suffering servant.  What the prophets glimpsed in shadow became glorious reality as the Son of God gave Himself freely, the just for the unjust, that He might bring many sons to glory.  His resurrection stands as the eternal seal of victory, declaring with power that death has lost its sting.

Now all who come to God through faith in His Son find themselves transformed by this same sacrificial love.  The power that raised Christ from the dead works within our mortal bodies, conforming them to His image, teaching them to walk in newness of life.  United with Him in His death, we rise to walk in resurrection power, no longer slaves to sin but free indeed - free to love as we have been loved, free to forgive as we have been forgiven, free to live unto righteousness through the indwelling Spirit of God.

This is the faith that overcomes the world - not a mere system of beliefs or a set of rules but a living union with the crucified and risen Lord.  Through His sacrifice, God has opened the way into His very presence, that all who believe might know Him and be known by Him, transformed from glory to glory until that day when faith becomes sight and we each see Him face to face.