

The Lord Hath No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked

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The Lord Hath No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked NEW

Description: Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  From Eden’s earliest days to Ezekiel’s startling revelation, this open invitation reverberates across sacred scripture, calling wayward humanity back to the Creator’s embrace.  While merited judgment awaits those harming others, abundantly patient mercy restrains reluctant vengeance so that proud souls might freely soften and repent.

As discussed in the accompanying homily “The Lord Takes No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked,” the Hebrew scriptures extend profoundly gracious opportunity to people of any background.  Despite our fickle betrayal and failed stewardship, the divine hand remains outstretched to pardon and restore those who will simply turn from destruction’s path and walk humbly into righteous wholeness.  Profound wisdom and practical counsel guide every seeking heart to find their unique way back from sin’s losses into the joy of gratitude’s feast.

Please take a moment to read and rediscover timeless revelation capable of reviving hope and purpose for all who feel cut off from God’s care.  If questions or input arise in response, don’t hesitate to email them over for friendly discussion.  Draw near and experience how readily Jesus draws near in return when we seek connection to Him through vulnerable honesty.  It remains the sacred invitation awaiting our reply this very moment.