

The Bible & the End of the World

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The Bible and the End of the World Copyright by True Christian Press

Discription: The Atavist and Futurist views on how to interpret the prophecies in the New Testament are like two sides of a coin - they’re totally different, but they’re both trying to make sense of the same thing.  It’s a big deal because how you understand these prophecies can change the way you see the Bible and what you think about Jesus and his apostles, the New Testament and Christianity.  Atavists are all about looking at the historical context and timeline. They believe that everything Jesus and the apostles predicted actually happened when and how they said it would, all within the lifetime of the people of first century who lived long enough to see the end of the Hebrew state in the second century.  For them, it’s super important to pay attention to the specific details and the bigger story that the Bible tells us about.

On the flip side, Futurists think that a lot of the prophecies haven’t happened yet and that they’re going to be fulfilled in the future. They tend to focus more on the idea of Jesus coming back someday, rather than on the details of what the Bible says about when and how it was supposed to happen.  The crazy thing is, both Atavists and Futurists see the other side as a threat.  Futurists worry that the Atavist view makes it seem like Jesus’ return isn’t a big deal anymore, while Atavists think that Futurism is basically saying that Jesus and the apostles were wrong, deluded or lying.

At the end of the day, it’s a pretty intense debate because it’s not just about some random details - it’s about whether you can trust what the Bible says and whether Jesus and his followers were telling the truth.  Atavists say yes, everything happened just like they said it would.  Futurists say no, we’re still waiting for a lot of it to go down.  It’s a lot to wrap your head around, but it’s important stuff to think about if you want to really understand what the Bible is all about and what it means for us today.