

Salvation is Free, But It Cost God Everything

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Salvation is Free But It Cost God Everything

Description: This talk, "Salvation is Free, But It Cost God Everything," explores the profound paradox at Christianity's heart: while salvation costs nothing for believers to receive, it required the ultimate price from God through Christ's sacrifice. The presentation begins with Zechariah's prophecy about the pierced Messiah, then traces Jesus' journey from birth to crucifixion, emphasizing that the Creator of the universe willingly endured suffering to offer humanity redemption.

The talk outlines the response required to receive this gift—repentance, belief, baptism, and walking in newness of life—while emphasizing these aren't works to earn salvation but appropriate responses to God's grace. It then addresses the journey of discipleship after salvation, using Peter's blueprint for spiritual growth from faith to love, and concludes by challenging listeners to respond with wholehearted commitment to the God who held nothing back.

Throughout, the message maintains the tension between salvation's freely-given nature and its immeasurable cost, inviting listeners to see Christ's sacrifice anew and respond with rededicated lives of grateful service.