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DESCRIPTION: “Full Preterist Straw Man Arguments Against Atavist Eschatology” examines common Full Preterist objections to the Atavist understanding of prophetic fulfillment, with particular focus on the chronological constraints presented in Revelation chapter 20. Through careful analysis of biblical texts, historical records, and original Greek terminology, this talk demonstrates why events between AD 67-136 must be included in our understanding of the Second Coming period.
The presentation begins by establishing common ground with Full Preterist interpretations while identifying key areas of disagreement. It then explores the precise chronological markers provided in Daniel 9:27 and their historical fulfillment as documented by Josephus (Wars 6.2.1:93-94), demonstrating how counting backward 1,260 days from the cessation of Second Temple sacrifices leads to January 31, 67 AD.
Detailed attention is given to Satan’s extensively documented activities throughout the New Testament period, including his influence on Ananias and Sapphira (paralleling his earlier influence on Judas), his designation as “the god of this world,” Peter’s description of him as an actively roaring lion (ὠρυόμενος) and his seat in Pergamos, tell us of a fugitive on the run, not incarcerated. This evidence is contrasted with the comprehensive terminology used in Revelation 20:1-3 to describe his eventual binding, examining the specific meanings of multiple Greek terms for capture, restraint and confinement.
The historical scope of the Jewish revolts is thoroughly explored, comparing Simon Bar Giora’s army of 40,000 in the First Revolt with Bar Kokhba’s force of 400,000. Special attention is paid to Cassius Dio’s assessment that casualties from the Bar Kokhba rebellion were “past finding out,” demonstrating the impossibility of excluding this massive conflict from prophetic fulfillment.
The talk systematically demonstrates why attempts to compress prophetic fulfillment into the period before 70 AD create insurmountable contradictions with both scripture and historical record. It shows how the events described in Revelation chapters 11-13 find no parallel in the Book of Acts but align perfectly with later historical events, while also sharing parallels with Daniel 7:7-27.
Through careful examination of chronological markers, linguistic evidence, and historical documentation, this presentation builds a compelling case for understanding the Second Coming period as encompassing events through 136 AD, while maintaining respectful dialogue with Full Preterist officials and apologists, acknowledging shared commitments to biblical authority.