Your Strength is Your Cross (قوتك هي صليبك)

O Beloved

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than

men; and the weakness of God is stronger

than men. - The Apostle Paul

The Better Life Team

English lyrics:

Verse 1:

With the bitterness of every weakness, You made for us a precious salvation
In humiliation and reproach, You were among the sinners
You accepted the trial and every slap because You love us
A love beyond our imagination


Your strength is Your cross, and foolishness to those who forsake it
By Your stripes, we are healed, the handwriting was nailed to it
It was a sacrifice that the Father smelled with pleasure and delight
Despite its shame, it’s our pride in the cross throughout the ages

Verse 2:

The One who does all righteousness was willing to be counted among the wicked
He became sin and was wronged, cursed, and did not speak a word in His injustice
He accepted to be insulted like a criminal, He became a lamb led to slaughter for our salvation
From Him, through Him, and to Him are all things from creation


He obeyed to the point of death, and the prophecy was truly fulfilled in Him
He accepted being stripped for the sake of my righteousness
A love that gives with precious blood, He carried our evils

Related Tanakh Passages

Psalms 22:16

Isaiah Chapter 53

Daniel 9:26

Zechariah 12:10

New Testament Passages

John 18:22-23

Acts 2:36

Philippians 2:3-11

Hebrews 10:1-9

Hebrews 12:1-3

1 Peter 1:17-19

Revelation 5:6-14


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The Carmen Christi

The Trinity Christians A.B.C.ORG