by Aaron Kim
I am posting this testimony of brother Aaron in hopes that it will edify and encourage Christian men to be serious and really lay down their personal lives for Jesus. I, too, suffered from addiction to pornography and because of the Holy Spirit warning and convicting my heart, I gave it up. I must confess that I gave it up for a variety of reasons:
(1) I hated the guilt I felt when I was sinning and afterward.
(2) When God was speaking to me I felt a fear that if I ignored his verbal warnings something really terrible might happen to me.
(3) I cannot feel the joy of my salvation in Christ when I am taking God for granted and doing things he hates (2 Corinthians 7:1 and 1 Peter 1:14-25).
(4) I reflected on the fact that God cared enough about what I was doing to offend him to turn my heart towards repentence and I considered it a huge blessing to be Fathered like that. So I gave it up and I am free.
I also have a Christian accountability partner and every one of us should have one because we need each other to fulfill God’s word (James 5:16). We do not want to be a cheerleader for other people to be true Christians and then mess around and lose our own souls!*
May God richly bless you in your daily walk with him.
Yours truly,
Mark Mountjoy
Holding the Mystery of the Faith
With a Pure Conscience