If We Believe Everything in the Word of God
is True We Must Not Be Ashamed of Its
Claims No Matter What Scientists Say
by Mark Mountjoy
Introductory Remarks
The advance of modern science has put the Bible in the spotlight and pitted the claims of ancient Israelites against modern methods and discoveries. The harshest of these was the confounding realization that the earth (not the sun) moves. This idea of planetary motion around the sun owes credit to Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, both Roman Catholics.
Suddenly, what the Word of God had proclaimed in Joshua 10:12-13 had to be explained as either an error in inspiration or embarrassingly admitted to being a brazen warp and woof example of ancient Israelite superstition. In fact, it is not the only place in the Scriptures where the cosmology of the universe as understood by Moses and the prophets directly conflict with the models of the universe as it is entertained by scientists today.1
Indeed, many if not most scientists today are atheists and see nothing in creation that points to or even suggests there is a God or an intelligent designer and I believe something is terribly wrong with this picture as it is being portrayed to us. One of the reasons why I am writing this is in hopes that it may inspire even one person to take a good second looked at the creation all around us and to ask, Why things are the way they are? Science makes claims and we typically accept and take those claims for granted. Rarely do we stop and question or scrutinize what we are being told. If we are told something that brazenly contradicts the Bible, very often we are embarrassed and try to make the Bible fit into what Science says rather than the other way around. Or if Science contradicts the Bible we stand in doubt of the Bible!
Yet I have witnessed a scientist who had questioned conventional wisdom—and refuted it literally RUN to the watery grave of baptism into Christ! Once he found out that the cosmology of the universe is exactly as Moses and the prophets described you could not stop him from becoming a Christian as fast as he could! It is when what the Bible says is in serious doubt that we have problems holding our heads up with holy boldness. If the Bible is a book packed with silly Ancient Near Eastern superstitions, of course, we would be ashamed to own up to what it says!
Casual Examples Disprove Scientific Claims
To begin this discussion I want to suggest that, from now on, every night at a set time you go out and take inventory of the stars you see in the sky above your home. With your own eyes, you are going to see and prove to yourself that the stars above your home, say at 9:00 o’clock PM every night where there is a clear sky are the exact same stars you saw when you were a little boy or girl—these are the same stars you saw last year and the same stars you will see next year!
You will see that the North Star never moves—not ever. And you will see that all the other stars rotate around the North Star at a set speed. It takes them slightly over 23 hours and 56 minutes to make a complete circumnavigation around the North Star.
The first thing to note about what you are seeing is this: If the earth was spinning ALL the stars (including the North Star) would be moving (all of them, no exceptions). And since the North Star never moves, it proves the earth is stationary and the North Star is stationary and all the other stars are NOT stationary. This is the only way to understand what is going on. But if the North Star is stationary and the earth is stationary, that HAS to mean that science is misleading us about how the earth is circumnavigating around the sun.
In truth, it is entirely possible that the earth could be going around the sun, but not spinning, but you also have the pesky problem of the North Star remaining stationary and all the other stars going about their merry way around it. The bottom line is this: This combination of facts tells us . . .
1) The same stars are always in the same place at the same time every night.
2) The North Star (Polaris) never moves.
3) It takes the other stars only 23 hours and 56 minutes to circumnavigate around Polaris and this speed is constant.
4) If the earth was going around the sun at 67,000 per hour (i.e., 30 kilometers per second) the Polaris/ star phenomenon would NOT be what we can witness with our own two eyes.
5) At no point in this discussion are we appealing to any motion we can feel. We are only talking about what we can observe (which is the very meaning of the word ‘science’).
In other words, if we can observe certain stationary astronomical objects movements while other ones do not ever move we can correctly conclude certain things about what is going on and rule out other theories. The five items we have listed above here are a total bombshell not everyone will immediately get. Among the implications of it are these: If we can demonstrate, by anyone’s observation, that the earth is stationary we have, at the very same time disproven the idea that a big bang in remote antiquity has set off a spin that continues to this day: The earth is not spinning if we can believe our own eyes!2 If we can believe what we see at night we can prove to ourselves that . . .
(a) The earth and our solar system are not flying through the cosmos by the proverbial seat of its pants.
(b) The same stars that Enoch and the Babylonian astronomers noted are the same stars above us each and every night.
(c) If the above two points were not true it would be impossible to create a planetarium of any kind! In other words, if roads and highways changed configurations every day and on no two days would they ever be the same, how could Google make a map that would lead anyone anywhere?! In order to make a map of the stars, they have to have stable configurations.
(d) If the earth is stationary, then there is every reason to believe Galileo and Copernicus were wrong and the sun is making circular circuits above the earth, just as the Holy Scriptures given to us by the God of Israel proclaim!
What we have explored, so far, are steps and visual experiments you can test for yourself. The conclusions you reach are yours. I am not here to raise contention, nor do I believe these matters are issues affecting salvation. I do believe it is not optimal or wise to take anything Scientists say at face value—and especially if you can walk outside your own door and see for yourself.
What is the Sun?
Our next and final discussion in this essay is specifically about the sun. What is it, how big is it, and how far away is it? Of late new news about explorations into the corona of the sun have raised questions in my mind that I would like to share with you. When you are told one thing and then something else happens that contradicts what you have been told, well, you have to investigate and try to understand what in the world is going on.
In elementary school and up through high school I was told that the sun is as hot as the core of the earth. We were told it is about 9,392° Fahrenheit or 5,200° Celsius. That’s real hot!
Then out of the blue within the last few weeks, I have been seeing these scientific articles about spacecraft entering into the sun’s atmosphere and I was like, What!? I thought that thing was so hot? I thought it was so far away, 93 million miles was etched into my brain. I started wondering what kind of material would a craft be made of that would be any good to get anywhere near it?
I looked up the following substances, from the hardest to the softest:-
Aluminum: 1,221° F or 660.3° C
Brass: 1,700° F or 927° C (brass is an alloy of copper).
Copper: 1,984° F or 1,085° C
Diamond: 7,280° F or 4,027° C
Gold: 1,948° F or 1,064° C
Iron: 2,800° F or 1,538° C
Plastic: 320-410° F or 160 - 210° C
Platinum: 3,215° F or 1,768° C
Steel: 2,500° F or 1,371° C
Titanium: 3,034° F or 1,668° C
From the above, you can see that diamond has the highest melting point but the craft that is visiting the sun is not entirely or even partially made of diamond. I watched a video where the scientist said they wrapped the wires to keep them cool and used other materials to keep them from overheating but it makes no sense when you think about the overall environment being so tremendously hot.
I am a trained electrician and it makes no sense to me to think about making a vehicle and wrapping wires to send into an environment that is way too hot for everything the vehicle is made of! It makes me think the sun is not as hot as they say it is. It makes me think that they know something about the nature of the sun that is not public knowledge.
Admittedly, I do not know what the sun is. Are they being above board about what this object is based on their explorations? Or are they telling us one thing while they know much more and, possibly, something quite different?
It appears to me that there is some obvious cognitive dissonance about what they know and what the public is being told. It does not have to be a ‘conspiracy’ to hide anything: It may simply be that it is not practical to change what is embedded in the public’s educational curriculum and they see no need to overhaul everything.
Here are some odd things I have noticed about the sun since I have paid more attention to it in the last three years. I have seen the sun surrounded by clouds (I mean literally wrapped in them). I also have an LP that was published in 1969 (long before photoshop) which shows the sun over Detroit and a cloud around it. I have seen the sun cutting through clouds which tells me that the sun is closer than 93 million miles.
I have seen the sun and moon out at the same time and they are both the same size. Odd!
Here in the Colorado Rockies, we experience forest fires quite frequently and the thick smoke clouds from the fire sometimes block out the mountains which are only an 18-minute drive away from Denver. The clouds are so thick that you cannot tell there are mountains, but there, sitting over downtown Denver is the sun, with crisp hard edges NOT shining through the clouds, but the clouds are behind the sun, in bold relief!
While driving with passengers I have asked them to look over there and notice what’s happening and they have been shocked to see the sun sitting there in the middle of the sky over Denver! We are so used to seeing some things that we too often do not reflect on the wider implications of what these phenomena mean.
In the final analysis, I think scientists know something about the sun and, for whatever reasons, they are not sharing everything they know. I believe they are leaving us on our own to figure it out. See the Convex Earth Science Documentary here.
But as far as being a Christian, I believe it is very important not to run away from the Bible’s claims at the slightest hint of contradiction from the Scientific community. They have a narrative they want to build on and there are certain inconvenient facts that keep intruding on these, but they are dead-set to plow ahead with the notion that creation came from a random explosion from nothingness and created somethingness.3 But the truth is stranger than fiction and we have to believe our God, because if we don’t, how shall we genuinely believe the promises he has made to us of things we will only discover when this physical journey is over (Hebrews 11:16 cf. Revelation 21-22)?
1 The order of creation Moses wrote in Genesis chapter 1 goes against everything the science world believes happened to initiate the universe. The only thing that they are forced to admit is this: there was a sudden starting point in the finite past.
2 NASA.gov’s own website, in a 1987 Document on the aero-dynamics of flights states that the earth is a flat stationary surface. In NASA Reference Publication 1201 August 1988 Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model it is stated:-
“This report documents the derivation and definition of a linear aircraft model for a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying over a flat, nonrotating earth. The derivation makes no assumptions of reference trajectory or vehicle symmetry.
The linear system equations are derived and evaluated along a general trajectory and include both aircraft dynamics and observation variables.” (Page 1)
The need for linear models of aircraft for analysis of vehicle dynamics and control law design is well known. These models are widely used, not only for computer applications but also for quick approximations and desk calculations. Whereas the use of these models is well understood and well documented, their derivation is not. The lack of documentation and, occasionally, understanding of the derivation of linear models is a hindrance to communications, training, and application.
This report details the development of the linear model of a rigid aircraft of constant mass, flying over a flat, nonrotating earth . . .”(Page 1)
This report derives and defines a set of linearized system matrices for a rigid aircraft of constant mass, flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating earth.” (Page 30)
By Eugene L. Duke
Robert F. Antoniewicz
and Keith D. Krambeer.
In fact, if the earth was spinning as fast as they say it is, a plane leaving any location to arrive at another could never make it there or even land without crashing. It would not be able to land because of the dangers of crashing on a moving surface. There is no way around these very real threats!
One can make a 3D model of flight, spin, trajectory, and ability to safely land and it will demonstrate that any flight depends on a stationary plane, and not otherwise.
Someone asked why a plane can’t just hover stationary in the sky and in the answer one will see the deception:
“The reason an airplane can’t just idle and let the ground pass underneath is the same reason as why a ball dropped from a tall tower lands at the base of the tower and not next to it. A plane sitting on the ground is moving with the surface of the Earth, and while it appears to us to be at rest, it is actually moving at around 1,000 miles an hour (the exact value depends on your latitude). When it takes off, it still has speed from sitting on the ground. In order to fly east, the plane increases its speed relative to the surface of the Earth and begins to overtake it. Flying west it decreases its speed relative to the surface of the Earth, and the Earth slips by.” (From http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/ )
The first part of this answer, which I underlined, has nothing to do with the question and does not make sense. Dropping a ball from a tower and flying a plane stationary in one spot are two entirely different things. But the next part of this answer has couched within it a subtle, but fatal lie (which I made bold). A plane sitting on the ground has 0 speed. If it is parked the plane’s odometer says 0 and only when the plane starts down the runway does it gain any speed at all. Once it leaves the ground, if the earth’s spin is any different, everybody in the plane would see that landing on the earth would at least require the plane to be moving as fast as the earth in order to try to parallel the earth’s speed. Now, since the earth is not going to slow down just to let a plane land, the only other option is to land on the earth anyway. But since the plane has to slow down to land, but the earth won’t also slow down, it would appear from the plane (and from on the ground) that the earth is moving faster and faster.
But there is another factor we need to think about: The Vne or never exceed speed. This is the speed beyond which a plane will fall apart while airborne. But how fast can passenger planes typically go? On the high end, 550 mph to 580 mph, and on the low end 460-575. Jets can go as fast as 1,200 mph. It depends, but what we know for sure is this: In order to land they have to face the problem of how fast the earth is supposedly constantly spinning!
The only result for this or any other flight would be a devastating and fatal crash! The truth remains the same and the earth is not spinning and anyone who has approached an airport to land can easily see that the ground is both stationary and stable and only the plane is moving (not the earth, which means the Bible is right and science is wrong).
3 Scientific claims or their ‘faith’ that everything came into existence from an explosion when there was nothing to explode is not convincing and we should not let them off the hook with an explanation like that. There is NO science that an explosion without materials could ever happen no matter how much time could pass. Every experiment, if we were to put absolutely nothing in an empty room would demonstrate to all rational people that science is afraid of the first and most important question of all: Where did reality come from when we can all now agree that there actually was a beginning in the finite past? Christians believe creation exists precisely because of immaterial reasons, not magical explosions that spit out intelligence, designs, beauty, and consciousness.
Caption: The Parker Solar Probe. Source: SciTechDaily.
Star trail caption source: en.wikipedia.org.
Sun over Detroit, Michigan, 1969. Source: SAVOY MG-14249 Stereo., Mattie Moss Clark, “Seek Him and He Will Let You Come In.”